Generation of Targeted SOPs =========================== To create a new pre-defined TargetLynx SOP (``fileType == 'TargetLynx'``) the `JSON` SOP must contain the following fields, the list must cover all compounds in the same order: * ``methodName`` The name of the method. * ``chromatography`` The chromatography employed. * ``ionisation`` The polarity employed. * ``compoundID`` A list of numeric ID (`"1","2",...`) that matches the TargetLynx compound ID. * ``compoundName`` A list of compound names. * ``IS`` A list of `"True" "False"` to indicate if the compound is an Internal Standard. * ``unitFinal`` A list of the compound measurement unit after application of the `unitCorrectionFactor` (can be left blank `""`). * ``unitCorrectionFactor`` A list of values by which to multiply the measured concentration in order to reach the `unitFinal` `("1","0.1","1000")`. * ``calibrationMethod`` A list of the calibration method employed for the compound, from enum CalibrationMethod: ``"noIS"`` `for compounds without Internal Standard (and Internal Standards themselves) = (use area)`, ``"backcalculatedIS"`` `for compounds using an Internal Standard = (use response)`, ``"noCalibration"`` `for compounds not quantified (Monitored for relative information)`. * ``calibrationEquation`` A list of equations to obtain the concentration given :math:`area`, :math:`responseFactor`, :math:`a` and :math:`b`. `responseFactor = (IS conc/IS Area)=response/Area (for noIS, responseFactor will be 1)` is automatically estimated from calibration samples. The calibration equation is only employed if values